
From Whom No Secrets Are Hid: Introducing the Psalms is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Psalms express the most elemental human emotions, representing situations in which people are most vulnerable, ecstatic, or driven to the extremities of life and faith. Many people may be familiar with a few Psalms, or sing them as part of worship. Here highly respected author Walter Brueggemann offers readers an additional use for the Psalms: as scripted prayers we perform to help us reveal...

These, then, are my two opening questions: (1) Why do we cling to the Psalter and (2) why do we so aggressively limit the parts of the Psalter to which we cling? Or, put differently, we might ask: why do we have a love-hate relationship with the Psalms? Why are we so ambivalent about this script of faith? I suggest that one answer will suffice for both questions. Because we have a closely held world of sign, symbol, and memory (often unnamed, unacknowledged, and certainly uncriticized) that pertains
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